Colorado Property Management Pro Tip: Seasonal Maintenance in Evans

Northern Colorado Property Management

There’s nothing quite like fall in Colorado. All the beautiful changes in scenery, the mountains draped in gold, and the cooler temps across the Front Range make it a favorite time of year for many. And as autumn sets in, so, too, does the need for seasonal maintenance. So here’s our Colorado property management pro tip for your Evans rental: make sure your property and tenants are prepared for the seasonal shift ahead with our comprehensive fall checklist.

Colorado Property Management Tip: Seasonal Maintenance

1. Inspect Your Heating Systems

Your HVAC system should be ready for the cooler temps ahead. Make sure to have your furnace serviced and vents cleaned out to ensure efficiency and proper airflow. After all, the last thing you want to deal with when temperatures drop is a no-heat call. Make sure to have it checked out before it gets too cold out. And if all signs point towards a need to replace your furnace, make sure to do so to avoid potential issues later down the road.

2. Seal Windows and Doors

As it gets colder outside, the last thing tenants want to deal with is drafty windows and higher utility bills. Make sure all of your doors and windows are properly sealed to keep the heat in and the cold out. Check the weatherstripping throughout and replace as needed. This improves energy efficiency and can help your HVAC system overall. Proper caulking and weatherstripping also help keep moisture out, which helps avoid potential water damage and other serious issues.

3. Clean Gutters and Downspouts

Falling leaves equals gutter clogs. Schedule a time to have your gutters cleaned and inspected to ensure proper drainage. Now is also a great time to make any needed repairs or replacements to your gutters. After all, they play an important role in ensuring your rental property is well maintained. Damaged gutters and improper drainage can lead to water damage, leaks, and even foundation problems. Keep your investment protected.

4. Inspect Roof and Exterior

Have your roof inspected and repair any damage as needed. Check for any signs of leaks before the heavy snow rolls in. This will help ensure your Evans rental is ready for winter. Exterior maintenance is also key when it comes to Colorado property management. Have your siding power washed and check for any cracks or peeling paint. Not only does this help maintain your rental property, but it also boosts your curb appeal.

5. Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Though most leases include smoke and CO detector testing as a tenant responsibility, it never hurts to be cautious. When completing your routine walk-throughs of the property, check that all smoke and CO detectors are functional and installed where they should be. Replace any that are older than 10 years and make sure to install them throughout the property. Safety always pays off!

6. Winterize Outdoor Plumbing

As the nights start to get colder, the risk of frozen pipes escalates. Talk to your tenants about ensuring all hoses are disconnected from the spigots. Add insulation to outdoor pipes and cover faucets to help reduce the risk of freezing. And if possible, turn off the water to the outside completely.

If your rental property has a sprinkler system, make sure to have them properly winterized by completing a sprinkler blowout. This helps prevent frozen pipes and costly repairs to your system when spring rolls back around. Make sure tenants know not to turn sprinklers back on once they’ve been winterized.

7. Prepare for Snow and Ice

Snow and ice can easily spell disaster if not taken care of properly. Be sure to talk to your tenants about the expectations of snow removal if the lease lists it as their responsibility. If that falls on your shoulders, make sure to complete it within the proper time frame after it snows. Keep common areas clear, including sidewalks and driveways. Check for any ice dams that could be blocking your gutters and address them quickly.

8. Review Lease and Maintenance Requests

Add a tenant check-in as part of your seasonal maintenance to-do list. Ask them if any maintenance items need to be taken care of or if there are any concerns about the property itself. Checking in is a great way to touch base on their seasonal maintenance responsibilities outlined in the lease agreement, too. Encourage them to reach out and report any issues in a timely manner. Keeping the lines of communication open and professional helps to establish a positive relationship moving forward.

9. Don’t Forget The Holidays

Talk to your tenants about proper safety tips when it comes to decorating for the holiday season ahead. From Halloween to Thanksgiving, to Christmas and New Years, make sure your tenants know to keep walkways free and clear, lights well lit, and avoid overloading power outlets.


Taking these proactive steps can save you time and money in the long run while ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for your tenants, all of which are important for successful Colorado property management. Fall maintenance is crucial for both property preservation and tenant satisfaction, so don’t overlook these essential tasks!

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